Stroke Services

The Harrogate Stroke Service manages acute stroke and is a multi-professional team in the Stroke Unit on Oakdale Ward. The service also includes the Community Stroke Team for rehabilitation after discharge and an outpatient TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) clinic for stroke prevention.

Patients with suspected acute stroke are transferred to Leeds or York to a Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) for their initial treatment. A HASU provides intensive care for people in the crucial first hours after a stroke. They bring experts and equipment under one roof to provide specialist tests and treatment 24 hours a day, saving lives and preventing long-term disability.

Patients will be transferred back to Harrogate District Hospital as soon as possible after initial treatments or discharged home and will receive their ongoing rehabilitation care locally. This will be usually within 72 hours.

Rehabilitation will be provided in the existing rehabilitation services at Harrogate District Hospital or in the community.

Suspected TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) referrals are seen in dedicated outpatient clinics with high risk patients usually seen within 24 hours of referral. Weekend TIA clinics for high risk patients are available in York.


Oakdale Ward Stroke Unit,
Second Floor,
Strayside Wing
Harrogate District Hospital

Key staff

Consultant in Stroke & Elderly Medicine – clinical lead: Dr Sean Brotheridge
Stroke Specialist Nurse: Mrs Jackie Strover
Ward Manager for Oakdale: Mrs Martine Hartley
Principal Physiotherapist for Stroke Neurology & Amputees: Mrs Pam Bagot