Our team of biomedical and clinical scientists analyse a range of body fluids, including blood, for biochemical markers of health and disease.
The department routinely analyses between 200 and 300 different biochemistry tests on blood and body fluids ranging from the more common ones assisting in the diagnosis of kidney liver, heart and bone disease to the more complex concerned with levels of hormones, antibodies, drug assays and tumour markers.
Blood Transfusion
The introduction of blood or blood products from one person into another can be life-saving for victims of trauma, accidents or those undergoing major surgery. Blood transfusions are also used to treat various types of severe anaemia, including anaemia caused by chemotherapy and cancer.
If you would like to find out more about donating blood, or would like to sign up to a donation session in your area, please visit the NHS Blood and Transplant website.
Laboratory haematology
Our team of biomedical scientists perform a range of tests to diagnose and monitor diseases of the blood and bone marrow. These range from the more common tests include the analysis of the cellular constituents of the blood, the monitoring of the bloods ability to coagulate to tests for infections like glandular fever and malaria.
Blood Sciences opening hours
Routine working hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am – 5.30pm
Saturday: 9am – 12.30pm
Public holidays: 9am – 12pm
We provide an emergency service outside these times.
Key staff
Clinical Lead: Mrs Nuthar Jassam
Blood Sciences Manager: Mrs Rebecca Parish