Early Pregnancy Assessment

Women are referred to our Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) if they are experiencing bleeding and/or pain in early pregnancy. We see women who are more than six weeks pregnant when they are referred, but less than 13 weeks.

The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) is a nurse-led service which is supported by the Gynaecology Department and overseen by a specialist consultant.

We understand that this can be an extremely stressful and emotional time. Bleeding and/or pain in early pregnancy is not unusual and does not necessarily indicate a problem, but it should always be investigated. Our aim is to identify why you’re experiencing pain and/or bleeding. Our investigation will be led by a scan of your womb, which will be carried out in the Radiology Department.

How to access EPAU care

If you feel you need to be seen in EPAU please see your GP as your first point of contact. They will assess you and decide if a referral to EPAU is the most appropriate course of action. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding (soaking pads/passing clots), significant pain or feel unwell, then you should attend the emergency department. Out of hours you can also contact 111 for guidance.

You may ring EPAU directly for advice (01423 555373), however your referral must be made by a healthcare professional i.e. GP, ED or Midwife. Please see box below.

If a referral to EPAU has been suggested by a private facility, please ask them to refer you.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit

Once you have been referred to the EPAU, one of our specialist nurses will contact you by telephone to arrange an appointment. We aim to make contact within 4 days of the referral being received. If necessary, an appointment will be arranged as soon as possible, hopefully within the next 7 days.

You are welcome to bring a partner or a close friend with you to the appointment (no children please). Bear in mind that your visit will probably last for longer than an hour, so try to leave enough time.

It is important that you have a full bladder for your scan. There is a water fountain in the the Radiology Department but you may have to wait for a scan so please do not overfill your bladder!

When you arrive at Harrogate District Hospital, please go directly to the EPAU and not the scan department. The nurse will take a brief history and ask questions regarding your current pregnancy, any previous pregnancies, and your general health. You will then be sent for your scan. There are two options available depending on need:

  • General abdominal scan
  • Trans-vaginal (internal) scan. This is not usually uncomfortable, and will not harm the pregnancy.

Once your scan is completed, you will return with the EPAU to discuss the results.

If your scan confirms a live pregnancy, you will be discharged. You will need to ensure you have referred yourself for antenatal care.

If your scan shows that you have had a miscarriage, the nurse will discuss the options available to you. You will be given all the time you need to make an informed decision.

If the scan shows you have an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy growing outside the womb) you may need to have further tests. The options of management will be discussed with you.

Sometimes scans are inconclusive – this means it may not be possible to give you a definite answer on your first visit. It may be that it is too early to see a heartbeat on the scan. In this situation, we may arrange for another scan and/or blood tests to look at the pregnancy hormone levels.

You will be kept fully informed throughout your care, but please feel free to ask any questions or discuss your concerns at any time.

Opening hours

The early pregnancy unit is open 08.30am-2.30pm Monday-Friday and 9am to 2.30pm on Sunday. Scans are performed between 9-10.30am.


The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit is based in B008 on the ground floor of Harrogate District Hospital. Look out for the purple signs.

Useful links

Patient Leaflets