The Day Surgery Unit is managed by a Safety, Quality & Service Delivery Manager , Speciality Leads & Specialist Practitioners, and is staffed by registered nurses, healthcare support workers and operating department practitioners. They provide skilled care and support to anaesthetists and surgeons throughout the patient’s time in Harrogate District Hospital. We also work closely with consultants, doctors, anaesthetists, and physiotherapists to ensure the best possible care for our patients.
In addition to our adult services, we also run a dedicated paediatric day surgery service. For help preparing your child for general anaesthetic, click here.
Before your surgery
Pre-operative assessment
If you are undergoing surgery in the Day Surgery Unit and are having a general or regional anaesthetic, you will begin your journey in our Pre-Assessment Unit. Here, you will be asked about your medical history, and given further information about the procedure and post-operative care. If required, you may undergo further investigations such as blood tests.
Day Surgery Unit
Once you’ve been admitted to the Unit, you will be prepared for your procedure. As part of our checks, we’ll ask you to confirm your identity.
Your procedure may take place in a day surgery theatre or the main theatre suite. When it’s time for the procedure, a member of the team will collect you from the Unit and take you to the anaesthetic room.
Anaesthetic room
If you are having general anaesthetic, you will monitored by echocardiogram dots, a blood pressure cuff, and an oxygen saturation probe in the anaesthetic room. A final identification check will be carried out, before a cannula is inserted into your hand. We will deliver the anaesthesia through this cannula. Oxygen may be administered via a facemask.
After your surgery
After your surgery, we will continue to monitor your vital signs. Oxygen may be given via a clear facemask or nasal cannulae (clear tubing with two little air holes that sit just into the nostrils). Pain relief and anti-sickness will be given if required. Patients may have a sore throat, aching muscles and feel tired/drowsy for up to 24 hours after their anaesthetic.
When you return to the ward area, you will be given something to eat. When you’re ready to be discharged, the nurse will inform you that you can ring for your lift. Please bear in mind that whoever comes to pick you up will need to come to the Unit to collect you.
Our specialities
We care for a range of different conditions on the Day Surgery Unit. Our specialities include:
Breast surgery:
- Wide local excision with or without sentinel node biopsy
- Axillary clearance
- Mirodochotomy
- Nipple reconstruction
- Nipple tattoos
Our dermatology consultants run monthly lists in the Day Surgery Unit. These procedures are normally carried out under local anaesthetic.
The Community Dental Team runs fortnightly lists in the Day Surgery Unit, as well as monthly paediatric lists.
- Grommet insertion/removal
- Tonsillectomies
- Septoplasties
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
- Nasal polypectomies
We run a dedicated paediatric list once a month.
- Hernias
- Removal of the fall bladder
- Haemorrhoids
- Pilinidal sinus
- Cysts/lipomas
- Insertion/removal of mirena coils
- Endometrial ablation
- Laparoscopic sterilisations
- Diagnostic laparoscopies
- Trans vaginal tape for female incontinence
- Cysts
- Head and neck skin lesions
- Removal of teeth
- Oral biopsies
- Cardioversion
- Cataract surgery
- Glaucoma surgery
- Squint surgery
- Lid surgery
- Temporal artery biopsies
- Minor procedures
Ophthalmology patients are cared for pre- and post-operatively by a team of nurses from the Ophthalmic Outpatient Department, who have their own area on the Day Surgery Unit.
- Arthroscopies of the knee, wrist, elbow, ankle and shoulder;
- Hand surgery, including carpal tunnel decompression, Dupuytren fasciectomy, trigger finger and joint replacements;
- Foot and ankle surgery including bunion operations, morton neuromas and various soft tissue procedures;
- Shoulder surgery including subacromial decompressions, rotator cuff repairs and labral repair.
Pain clinic:
This clinic involves injections for patients that suffer with chronic pain. Occasionally this procedure needs to be done under X-ray or ultrasound. Patients are expected to fast prior to the treatment, and must stay on a trolley for an hour after the procedure to have their blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels monitored. The clinic runs fortnightly.
- Recurrent urinary infections
- Blood in urine
- Urinary incontinence
- Scrotal lumps/swelling
- Vasectomies
- Foreskin problems.
- Two patient waiting areas with televisions and a selection of magazines;
- Small lockers available for you to store you belongings – please note that you are responsible for your personal belongings.
Opening hours
The Unit is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am-8pm, and Saturdays 7.30am-6pm. We are not open on Sundays and do not operate on Bank Holidays.
The Day Surgery Unit is located on the ground floor of Harrogate District Hospital, and is accessed from the main corridor on the left hand side.
Key staff
Safety, Quality & Safety Delivery Manager: Julie O’Brien
Speciality Lead Day Surgery Theatres/Anaesthetics Sister: Jane Waton
Speciality Lead Day Surgery Ward & Recovery Sister: Lorraine Groves