There is one full time Macmillan Nurse Specialist for skin cancer at the Trust. She works as a key member of the team which investigates, diagnoses and treats skin cancer.
You will either meet or be given contact details for the Nurse Specialist when your skin cancer is diagnosed.
Skin cancer support and care
Your Nurse Specialist will act as a direct contact for you, providing specialist knowledge, care and support at diagnosis and throughout treatment. This may include:
- Emotional support – someone to discuss questions and concerns with;
- Information – providing leaflets and information specific to your needs;
- Education – showing you how to protect your own skin in the sun to reduce future risk and how to monitor your skin, recognising new problems early and minimising treatment impacts;
- Treatment – some skin cancer treatments or procedures may be done by the Nurse Specialist;
- Referral – to specialist agencies or departments for specific individual needs. For example, the nurse specialist may refer you to cosmetic camouflage, lymphodema, psychology or complementary therapy.
Please note that the Nurse Specialist does not routinely contact patients with a diagnosis of Basal Cell Carcinoma as this type of skin cancer is non-invasive and would not usually require additional support. They are however available to all patients if additional support is needed.
In addition, your Nurse Specialist will act as a link with other health professionals, including dermatologists, GPs, maxillo-facial specialists and the specialist melanoma team in Leeds. These professionals may be based at Harrogate District Hospital, in the community, or at other hospitals which may be involved in your care.
Armed Forces
Men and women with skin cancer who have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces may well qualify for a lump sum payment or regular pension if it is believed the skin cancer arose as a result of sun exposure occurring during their period of service.
If you are a patient with the Trust, copies are available in the Dermatology Department or can be sent to you by contacting your Skin Cancer Nurse Specialist on 01423 557476.
If you’re a patient at another trust/hospital, please contact them.
The form is available to download or print on the Veterans UK website. From the home page select ‘Injury/Illness Compensation Scheme’. Halfway down the page click on highlighted words “Claim Form”, this can then be printed off or downloaded.
Key staff
Macmillan Skin Cancer Nurse Specialist: Louise Binns