Patients – easy read

Easy read version

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How we protect your information
We keep your information secret and only use and share it when we need to.

We take protecting your information very seriously.

We follow all data protection laws and our staff complete data security training every year.

Why we collect your information
The main reason we collect your information is so we can give you the right treatment and care.

If we use your information for other purposes, we will remove details such as your name, where you live and your date of birth so they do not know the information is about you.

What information we collect


The type of things we record are:

  • Your name, where you live and your date of birth
  • Who you live with and who looks after you
  • What treatment, care and support you need and receive
  • Results of investigations, such as x-rays and laboratory tests
  • Medical photographs, such as photographs of injuries, moles and rashes
  • Relevant information from other healthcare or social care professionals
  • Relevant information about your family and your past
  • We may collect your image, as some of our sites have CCTV
  • Payment details

Website for further information about data collection

Friends and Family Test
For information about the Friends and Family Test, a questionnaire to help us improve, please visit:

Overseas Visitors
If you do not live in the United Kingdom (the UK), please visit:

National Child Measurement Programme for children aged 4 – 10 years old
For information about the National Child Measurement Programme please visit:

Grow and Learn for children aged 0-3 years old
For information about the Grow and Learn please visit:

Who we may share your information with
Sometimes we will need to share your information with other people who are looking after you.

This could be your GP, other doctors and nurses, nurseries, schools, colleges, Children’s Services or Adult Services.

We will tell you if we are going to share this information unless we are worried about your safety, or the safety of someone else.

National Data Opt Out
Your information can also be used for research and to help plan health services locally and across the country.

You can stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning. To find out more visit

If you’re happy with your information being used for research and planning you do not need to do anything.


How long we keep your information for
We store information for the time stipulated in Records Management Code of Practice.
Asking for access to your information
If you would like to see your health information please look our Access to Health Records webpage:

or contact:

Access to Health Records Team

Medical Records Department

Harrogate District Hospital

Lancaster Park Road


North Yorkshire


[email protected]

01423 557469


Asking for information to be corrected
If you think your health information is wrong or something is missing please talk to the person treating you.
Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer is the person in our organisation that guides us about data protection and makes sure that we are getting it right.

Our Data Protection Officer is:

Sam Layfield, Associate Director of Performance and Planning, Lead Cancer Manager & Data Protection Officer

Harrogate District Hospital

Lancaster Park Road


North Yorkshire


01423 885959

[email protected]


If you have any questions about your information or how we use it please speak to the person treating you or our Data Protection Officer.
If you have a concern about the use of your information you can speak to the person treating you, our Data Protection Officer or our Patient Experience Team.

Patient Experience Team

Harrogate District Hospital

Lancaster Park Road


North Yorkshire


01423 555499

Minicom: 01423 554466

[email protected]

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your concern you can contact the Information Commissioner who is an independent body who make sure we are following data protection laws.

The Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




0303 123 1113

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