Waiting List Validation System

Are you on a waiting list for treatment or opinion? If so, we need your help.

As you are undoubtedly aware, waiting times for NHS services have increased significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic. We know this can affect people, and we are sorry for the impact this may have had whilst you wait for your appointment or treatment. We are committed to providing the best possible healthcare for our patients and we are working hard to address this issue so that we can see you as quickly as possible.

One step we are undertaking is to review our waiting lists. We know people’s conditions and needs can change over time which require us to reprioritise our lists. Whilst some people may need to be seen sooner, other people may be feeling much better and no longer require an appointment or treatment, or they may need to reschedule as the date is no longer suitable. Where this is the case, it is important that we are able to offer such appointments to those people who really need them.

If you are on one of our waiting lists at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT), you may soon be being contacted via SMS text message to check that you still require the referral that has been made for you. Should you receive such a message we would appreciate it if you could respond as soon as possible, so that we can make any required changes.

What is the Waiting List Validation system?

Depending upon which waiting list you are on at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, you may receive an SMS asking you to confirm whether you still require the appointment, whether you have sought an opinion or treatment from another Hospital provider, or do not require the appointment at all.

You will only be contacted if you have been on certain waiting lists for at least 12 weeks. Not everyone will be contacted via this system, so please do not worry if you are not contacted.

If you already know that you need to cancel or re-arrange an appointment, then your appointment letter will contain details about how you can do this. So please don’t wait until we contact you to do this.

Do I need to do anything now, before the waiting list validation starts?

Yes, please check with your GP to ensure that your correct mobile number and postal address is on record.

What are the benefits of the Waiting List Validation?

Waiting lists for appointments across the NHS continue to grow. The Waiting List Validation process will allow you to  confirm whether you still require an appointment. By enabling patients to inform us that they no longer wish to be seen for an opinion or treatment, we will be able to reduce our waiting list size and the reduce the length of time other patients are waiting for an appointment.

  • Patients remaining on the waiting list will be seen sooner

How do I respond?

The first step of responding will be to follow the link that we will send you via SMS (text) if your referral or appointment  is on one of the waiting lists that we are validating.

This will take you to a web page which looks like this:

You will be required to sign in by verifying your identity with your date of birth and mobile number, then by the use of a one-time SMS security code.

You will then be able to see which referral or appointment is awaiting a response. Please be aware, not all services at HDFT will be involved with this waiting list validation process, and therefore you may not see all your referrals and/or appointments on this page, this is perfectly normal.

You will be asked to confirm your response for each referral/appointment requiring a response from the below options:

  • “I no longer wish to have my hospital appointment as my symptoms have resolved and I am happy to be discharged.”
  • “I no longer wish to have my hospital appointment, as I have received/will be receiving treatment elsewhere and I am happy to be discharged.”
  • “I would like to go ahead with my hospital appointment. My condition has not changed, and I still require treatment/opinion.”

For patients that do not respond to the SMS, you will receive a letter or email if we have your email address on record. The letter/ email provides a contact telephone number for you to call and speak to a member of our bookings team who will be happy to process your response.

Frequently asked questions:

Is the system secure?

Yes, the system is designed with security in mind. We use two-factor authentication to ensure the security of your information. You begin the login process by giving us some personal information (date of birth). To complete the log in process, you will then be sent a 6-digit security code by text message. This code can only be used once. The next time you log in, you will get a new 6-digit code. There is no need to download any app to your device, as the entire process takes place in your devices internet browser.

How do I know which referral or appointment requires a response within the system?

Once you have logged in to the web page via the link provided via SMS, please select “referrals” from the main dashboard. Here you will be able to see which activity is requesting a response. Select “Respond” and follow the instructions on the screen.

Will HDFT ask for any financial information or payment?

We will never ask for payment or any kind of financial information through this process. Please do not supply any personal information other than your date of birth and one time security SMS code.

Do I need to remember a username and password?

No, you do not have a username or password, you simply log in via clicking the link and verifying your identity through your date of birth and one-time security SMS code.

How long do I have to respond to the text message or letter?

We strongly encourage patients to  respond to the SMS notification and letter within 48 hours as this gives us the greatest chance of offering that appointment to another patient.

However patients will receive a reminder SMS within 7 calendar days of the first message. For patients that receive a letter, you will not receive a further reminder.

When do I receive a notification?

You may receive a notification when you have been on one of HDFT’s waiting lists for a specified number of weeks. This begins at 12 weeks and then at 24 and 42 weeks. Not everyone will be contacted via this system, so please do not worry if you are not contacted.

What if I don’t have a smart phone or a registered mobile number with the Hospital?

If you do not have a smart phone or provided us with your mobile number you will receive a letter through the post to the address that we have you registered to. The letter provides a contact telephone number for you to call and speak to a member of our bookings team who will be happy to process your response.

Will my GP be informed if I am removed from the waiting list?

Yes, a letter will be sent by ourselves, Harrogate Hospital, both to yourself and your GP informing them that you have requested to be removed from the waiting list for any service that you are discharged from. If you wish to be seen by the Hospital again for the same issue, you will need to speak with your GP to request a new referral

How do I opt out of the waiting list validation text service?

If you wish to opt out from this service for all of your referrals, you can do so by phoning the Patient Experience Team on 01423 555499 or email your request along with your Name, DOB and/or NHS Number to: [email protected]. Please note, for any other enquiries relating to your referral or waiting lists, you will need to call the number on your referral or appointment letter.