Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) are excited to announce a new opportunity to make a significant impact on the quality of patient information materials at the Trust. We are launching a brand-new Volunteer Reader Group and we invite you to get involved.
What is the Volunteer Reader Group?
The Volunteer Reader Group is a collaborative team comprised of patients, carers, members of the public and volunteers. This group will play a crucial role in improving the clarity and effectiveness of the Trust’s patient information documents, leaflets and further literature. It will offer a fresh perspective to ensure that our materials are clear, comprehensible and highly relevant before publication.
Your Role as a Reader Group Volunteer:
As a member of the Reader Group, you will have the opportunity to review draft copies of patient information materials before they are published. Your insights will help HDFT to ensure that the information we provide is clear, easy to understand, and tailored to the needs of our diverse patient group. Your feedback and comments will guide the refinement of these materials and contribute to their overall quality.
There are many ways you can contribute as a Reader Group Volunteer:
- Review draft patient information materials, leaflets, and literature
- Evaluate formatting, readability, and comprehensibility
- Assess the suitability for different community members
- Provide valuable feedback through a structured feedback form
If you would like to join the Volunteer Reading Group, please fill out the Registration Form via the link here.
If you would like the Registration Form in another format, have any queries or questions regarding this group, please contact the Patient Experience Team on 01423 555499 or hdft.patientexperience@nhs.net.