Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust wins DFN Project SEARCH Employment Outcome Award

Posted on: Friday 3 Jan 2025


Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) has won an award for its employment rate of DFN Project SEARCH graduates in jobs across the Trust.

DFN Project SEARCH is a national charity which provides a one-year supported internship programme for young adults with a learning disability or autistic young adults, helping them transition from education to work.

Supported internships are structured work-based study programmes which equip young people with practical skills and on-the-job experience.

At HDFT, Project Search interns take on roles in departments such as Waste Management, Linen, the Special Care Baby Unit, Finance, Learning and Development, Catering, the Grounds Team and Sterile Services, to name a few.

This award celebrates HDFT for supporting 100% of graduates into permanent full-time employment during the last academic year, recognising the Trust’s role in championing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The award was presented by national charity DFN Project SEARCH at their annual conference, where organisations from around the UK came together to celebrate success and promote greater inclusivity in employment.

The theme for the conference, ‘Don’t Stop Me Now, is part of the charity’s latest campaign to challenge stereotypes surrounding employment for young adults with learning disabilities and calling for more access to high-quality supported employment programmes, such as supported internships, in every local authority.

Georgia Hudson, the Volunteer and Charity Manager at HDFT said:

“On behalf of teamHDFT we are incredibly proud to have received this award.

“We are delighted to be able to support young people with their career goals and inspire the future NHS workforce.

“The interns are a real asset to teamHDFT!”

Speaking to delegates during the Award Ceremony, Kirsty Matthews, Chief Executive of DFN Project SEARCH said:

“I am thrilled to be able to celebrate our award winners at our conference this year.

“These awards recognise those extraordinary individuals and organisations that are leading the charge to change the status quo, getting more young people into meaningful sustainable employment.

“The award winners are truly unstoppable, and we salute them.”

For more information about DFN Project SEARCH visit https://www.dfnprojectsearch.org/



For further information please contact:


Giles Latham, Communications and Marketing Manager on [email protected] or 01423 557470.

Greg Dawson, Communications and Marketing Assistant on  [email protected] or 01423 557732

Taniya Khan, Communications and Marketing Assistant, [email protected] and 01423 557732