Inspiring the next generation of healthcare employees
The Trust’s Education Liaison programme has already given hundreds of school students an insight into work that we do. Many of them have been inspired to pursue a career in healthcare and they are potentially the HDFT employees of the future.
We provide a range of careers events, giving students the opportunity to learn more about careers within the NHS. During 2018 we ran the following events:
- Preparing for Medical School
- Medical Mock interviews
- Nursing Mock interviews
More events are planned for 2019, with further details published on this page in due course. Please get in touch using the contact details below if you would like more information.
Staff from the Trust often attend school-run careers events. If you would like to request a stand at an event you are running, please get in contact using the email address below.
For more information about education liaison events, please contact the Education Liaison Officer: [email protected]